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Dear Michelle Phan,


I wish you could see me now

see how i grew from a tiny sapling

to now, a blooming tree

everything you taught me

became the soil that my roots grew on


there’s this saying that

“the sky’s the limit”

but that isn’t what you told me,

you pushed me past the sky

to leave my footsteps on the moon


not only me

but also many other young women too,


who lack the confidence

to express themselves,

but you shed light on these unfamiliar ground


Your mom wanted you to be a doctor

but you knew your passion lied in art

you took the big step

and look what you’ve achieved


From the first video that I ever saw

“Lady Gaga Transformation”

to your big breakthroughs in the fashion business


people assume that you only do makeup

but we all know you do so much more

from your “pillow talks”

to your “draw my life”

we know that you are so much more.

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