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10:00 AM

By Ramya Kumar and Vivian Lim


i’m drinking a cup of coffee

while waiting for you in the lobby.

it’s 8:50 AM, and you haven’t arrived,

everything is ready yet i feel deprived


i’m just chatting with the lady next to me,

as she complains about her date. i simply smile and agree.

it’s 9:19 AM, and you haven’t called,

time continued while you simply stalled


i’m dialing your phone number,

wondering if you’re still in a slumber

it’s 9:47 AM, and the tone goes to your voicemail,

i heard nothing and only silence prevailed


i’m looking at the clock,

feeling dumb for planning a date with you on the dock

it’s 10:00 AM, and you still haven’t arrived,

and there i sat, not sad but just deprived.


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